Exploring New Places with Meditation

Part of life is exploring something new. New ideas, new places. It keeps us interested and can give us a perspective we wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. This meditation will help you to explore a new place within yourself, as well as drawing in somewhere new in the physical world.

Take a deep breath and exhale a full breath out. As much as you can. 

This helps to clear away stuff that may be sitting there stuffing up your energy. 

Take another deep breath and full exhale. 


Give yourself permission to relax.
Give permission for your body to be still, if you are in the proper environment. 


~ For anyone who can, close your eyes and try this practice. ~


Allow any feelings, thoughts, emotions to float in and out of your awareness. 

Accept everything unconditionally as neither good nor bad. They just are and eventually they disappear. 


Breathe in and fill your lungs.
Spread that oxygen throughout your whole body.

Let it wash away any pain, tension, soreness. 


Let your body sink into the ground. The Earth supports you. Gravity keeps you grounded. 


Go through and imagine each muscle starting from the bottom of your feet relaxing one by one. 


You’re doing great.
Just existing here you are a winner in my book. 

Relaxing each muscle. If you have scanned through each muscle, scan for any pain or discomfort and breathe in to that area. 


Begin to meditate on creating a special new place within yourself. This is something beyond physical that only you are allowed to go to.


This place you can strengthen your connection to the divine, to your gifts, your purpose. 


It could be somewhere with a lot of color, no color, or anywhere in between. 

See this as very unique, very special, somewhere that makes you feel like you. 

In this place there is a well where you can cast your dreams.
These dreams help fuel your passion, your inspiration, and helps you to take the proper action when opportunities arise.

So begin to meditation around this well and think about a new travel experience or adventure that you would love to go on in the physical world. 

What new place do you want to see for real?

Think about these things when you decide.

How far would you travel?

How long would that take? 

Begin to see yourself packing for this adventure. 

What would you wear? 

What do you need to bring with you? 

Imagine preparing a list of things that are the most necessary.  

Visualize each detail and pretend like it’s all happening for real. 

How does it feel? 


Now you’ve prepared for your adventure, you got any kind of tickets or reservations or any essentials you need.
It’s the night before you go. 

See yourself in this moment and really get into it. 


You wake up and it’s time to go. You get on the plane, train, car, whatever it is and your adventure begins. 


Take a few moments to play this out and go as slow or fast as you’d like. 

I’ll give you a warning so you can wrap up before we end.


Now go have some fun.


In a few moments I’ll bring you back and end the meditation.
So begin to wrap up.


Now take a deep breath in connecting with the moment and your physical body. All your senses come back to you now. Exhale and let go of any stress or anything that doesn’t serve you. 


Whenever you are ready, open your eyes and return from the meditation. 

Post a comment below and let me know how your experience was. 


I have more meditations at Selomon.com where you can learn about my services including meditation sessions, personal cds, and more.