Living a Good Life

Article by Selomon

Marcus Aurelius once wrote “Adapt yourself to the life you have been given; and truly love the people with whom destiny has surrounded you.”

It’s a simple statement on living a good life. Sometimes we can’t control outside circumstances, but we can find ways to go from ‘it is what it is’ to ‘it becomes what I make it.’ Part of that is by finding love for those who are around us.

That doesn’t mean we have to put up with or stick around with people who treat us badly, but by loving others, we find love for ourselves. This can also help break the cycle of abuse and trauma. It helps us to let go of situations and gives us the opportunity to watch destiny unfold and bring people close to you who will love you and help you.

Selomon, born Christopher Closson, has been consciously working with meditation and sound since 2011. His meditation videos on YouTube have reached hundreds of thousands of people. He enjoys traveling the country hosting classes and workshops on topics like sound medicine and astral projection.