Altering Your Consciousness

Did you know that you move in and out of different states of consciousness each and every day? Join me as we talk about these states and why it’s important to experience them. You have the power to alter your consciousness at will and I’m going to give you some great ideas on how. 

“Since everything has energy, anything we bring into our energy field can alter it.”

It’s time to live in harmony with spirit and the Earth. We all have a path of pure potential, to live the fullest and best lives possible. We have the ability to tap into the vast web of life, and the power to deepen our connection to the spirit world. We are creators of our lives and can shift our experiences at any moment, to live our purest potentials.

Through Shamanic practices, we can heal and transform anything we wish. Join Felicia Armstrong, as we learn together how to apply the ancient practices of Shamanism to our everyday contemporary lives.